Nicky Hoseck

What Makes The Wild Coast An Amazing
Winter Riding Destination?

As the nights get longer and the days darker and colder from October through to February, many of you will be dreaming of escaping the European winter and heading to sunnier climes. While we can’t guarantee sunshine, we can definitely offer you something that will break up the monotony of the winter months and provide you with the kind of memories that can brighten the darkest of nights.

The Wild Coast enjoys a pleasant climate year-round, with sun-soaked winters and sub-tropical summers. As a result, Wild Coast Horses can operate all year round, giving guests the chance to sample one of the best overnight beach trails in the world at any time of the year.

7 Things That Make The Wild Coast An Amazing Winter Riding Destination

Some of the things that make the Wild Coast the perfect winter riding destination include:

#1 The Temperate Climate

Some areas of Southern Africa get so hot in the summer, that riding just isn’t an option, unless you head out at the break of dawn. On the Wild Coast, the Indian Ocean keeps our daytime temperatures in a comfortable range of around 17℃ to 30℃. That means you can leave your winter woollies at home and look forward to the occasional dip in the sea or one of the hotel's inviting pools. 

Our evenings are equally comfortable and usually cool enough to see you reaching for an extra layer. However, there are some nights, especially during February, when you’ll be grateful for the ceiling fans installed at most of the hotels along the Wild Coast. 

#2 The Direct Flights 

Admittedly, there’s no difference between flying to South Africa during the European summer and in the winter, but being able to reach your destination with a direct flight is more essential in the winter time because it reduces the chances of your flights being delayed or cancelled due to bad weather. It also means you won’t have to hop out into freezing temperatures when dressed for summer weather.

While the experience of flying to South Africa remains largely unchanged regardless of season, during the winter months, there are several reasons you might want to avoid flight changes and layovers. Winter in Europe often brings challenging weather conditions such as snow, ice, and fog that can disrupt flight schedules, increasing the likelihood of delays or cancellations.

#3 The Minimal Time Difference 

There is just a one or two-hour time difference between South Africa and most of Europe - a fact that’s just as true in summer as in winter. However, the impact of this minimal time difference is far more pronounced and beneficial when travelling in winter compared to summer. The stark contrast between the short, dark days of a European winter and the bright sunshine of a South African summer can have a dramatic effect on your mood and well-being.

When you leave behind the grey skies and early sunsets of a European winter and step into the sun-drenched landscapes of the Wild Coast, you'll instantly feel your spirits soar. The moment you step off the plane, you’ll feel the winter doldrums fall away, leaving you energized and ready for adventure.

Being doused in sunshine can also improve your sleep patterns, and stimulate the production of serotonin, the happy hormone. It also means you can start exploring the minute you land, rather than wasting time adjusting to a new time zone or waiting for the sun to rise. 

#4 The Green, Rolling Hills 

Like most of South Africa's Eastern Cape, the Wild Coast enjoys summer rains, which means it blossoms during the European winter. When the leaves are falling from your trees, leaving stark silhouettes against a brooding sky, ours are bursting into vibrant life, covering the landscape in lush shades of green.

The Wild Coast's summer coincides perfectly with Europe's winter, offering a much-needed escape to those seeking respite from the cold and grey. Instead of bare branches, you'll find trees laden with fresh leaves and colourful blossoms. The air is filled with the sweet scent of flowering plants and the bright flashes of colour as the birds celebrate the start of another breeding season.

For European visitors, this seasonal reversal can feel almost magical - stepping out of winter and into a world teeming with life.

#5 The Adventure 

The summer brings warmth and life to the Wild Coast, but it also brings rain. Some may see that as a bad thing but, like everything in life, it comes with a silver lining. For starters, the river crossings can be far more challenging and exhilarating in the summer months, due to the higher water levels. 

You could find yourself wading through deep channels with water lapping at the top of your chaps, or even witness the remarkable sight of horses navigating deeper waters from the back of a kayak. 

The summer rains that swell our rivers also turn trickling streams into thundering spectacles. What is just a trickle in winter becomes a roaring waterfall in summer, adding even more breathtaking scenes to your Wild Coast adventure. 

#6 The Photographs 

While the winter sun sheds a mellow light on your photographs, the summer offers a range of weather conditions, from stark midday sun to moody skies. The varied summer conditions present a wealth of opportunities for keen photographers eager to capture the beauty of the Wild Coast. 

The longer summer days give you ample opportunity to capture the golden hours of dawn and dusk, while the dramatic storms that rage over the Indian Ocean create moody skies illuminated with colourful flashes of lightning. 

The rain washes the landscape of its lingering winter dust, creating clean fresh landscapes complete with glistening rocks, sparkling leaves and ethereal cobwebs bedazzled with droplets of rain. 

#7 The Budget-Friendly Advantage

Travelling to the Wild Coast during the European winter months can offer significant financial benefits, making your dream riding holiday more accessible. Some airlines may offer lower fares for flights to South Africa during the European winter, resulting in substantial savings. 

The exchange rates are also favourable and the cost of extras, like spa treatments, drinks, and extra activities, is extremely competitive. When you consider the savings you make by trading your winter heating bills and cold-weather gear purchases for a sun-soaked adventure, the trip proves even more cost-effective.


While the Wild Coast is a spectacular place to ride horses at any time of year, arriving in sun-drenched South Africa after months of cold winter, grey days, and gloomy nights, promises to be even more rewarding. 

The experience of stepping out of the darkness into the sunlight feels almost like a rebirth—energizing your spirit, lifting your mood, and filling you with a sense of adventure as you explore the Wild Coast’s breathtaking landscapes under a bright African sky.

Leave the Winter Blues Behind