Wild Coast Horse Riding Adventures South Africa

Booking Form

Please complete this form so that we have all your details and information.
Please note that as per our booking terms and conditions, all emailed documents will be considered to be signed and that the information supplied is true and correct. The information given here is used to enable us to assess your riding ability. Some of the questions are very basic but are required by our insurance.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.

Private, direct booking
In an organised group
Through a travel agent
Name of group or Travel Agent Your Name E-mail Telephone / WhatsApp number Address Which Horse Trail Itinerary are you booking? Detail of other Arrival Date Departure Date Flight Details in and out of East London South Africa Home language and where are you from? Date of Birth Weight in Kilograms (max 95kg) Height in centimetres ACCOMMODATION PREFERENCE. Please note that you may have to share a room on the first and last nights. The hotels are normally very accommodating and give our riders single rooms where possible. Should this happen, there is no single room supplement required, but it is by no means guaranteed. Special diets or allergies or illness
Please note that we live in rural Africa and we are unable to provide special food requests such as vegan/vegetarian premade packaged food items or gluten free breads and pastries. We do however always have plenty of fresh fruit & vegetables and other whole food alternatives available when ever possible. It is assumed that if you dont like something, you will simply push it aside and leave it. The hotels do their best to try and accommodate food allergies as best they can.
I understand that specialised food choices can not always be catered for.
Do you have any medical condition or disability that may affect your general health or your ability to ride? Emergency contact TRAVEL INSURANCE - Medical insurance number & details. Contact number & email of someone to authorise hospital admittance in case of emergency. CREDIT CARD - please carry a credit card, activated for travel in South Africa. Our private healthcare system may ask you for upfront payment for x-rays and other procedures in the unlikely event of you being admitted to hospital. How long have you been riding? Can you groom and tack up? Can you mount and dismount unaided? Can you control a horse at walk, trot & canter? Can you control a horse at a gallop? Are you able to stop a horse from any pace? Are you able to jump small obstacles? Have you ridden competitively? What discipline? Do you normally ride in an arena or open spaces? Do you have experience riding over rough terrain? How would you describe yourself as a rider? Describe the kind of horse that you enjoy riding. How often do you ride, what horses, where and when was the last time you rode? Anything else that you think is useful for us to know...
TERMS AND CONDITIONS. All riders are required to sign a recreational release and indemnity form. All riders are required to wear a protective hard hat. Minors are to be accompanied at all times by adults/custodians who will at all times accept responsibility for minors. LIABILITY Whilst riding or in the vicinity of horses in the care of the operator or guide of your trip you must comply with the instructions of that person. You accept that the aforementioned operator or guide is entitled to require you to dismount or to refuse to allow you to ride if for any reason they consider that you may endanger the safety or welfare of any person or horses. If so required you have no claim and will not be entitled to any compensation or refund. You understand and accept that you will be required to sign our standard “liability waiver” on arrival. A copy of our indemnity form is found on this website or we can send you one by email. DOMICILE EXECUTANDI All possible disputes arising from our terms and conditions are subject to South African Law and any hearing of cases will take place in a South African Court of Law. • Wild Coast Horse Trails is not liable for any damages, loss or injuries that may be suffered by the guests whether occurring before, during or after the ride and you are required to sign a recreational release and indemnity form. PLEASE NOTE - the confirmation of this horse-riding package is subject to available accommodation, which we will do on receipt of your completed booking. RIDER DETAILS - all information provided is considered true and correct and will be used to enable us to choose the correct horse to match your riding ability. BOOKING TERMS AND CONDITIONS please click the link on this site for full details of our terms and booking conditions and copy of our recreational release and indemnity agreement.
I have read the terms and conditions.
CANCELLATION POLICY. • The 25% booking confirmation deposit is payable within 7 days of booking to confirm the riding holiday - it is non-refundable. • All bookings must be paid 14 days before start of trail. • If a booking is made within the 14 day period, the full amount is payable. • No refunds will be given once payment has been made. • No refunds will be given if client departs early for any reason. • Should you have to cancel your reservation due to illness, accident or travel restrictions (proof is required) within the 14 days before the start of trail, we will convert payments made to a voucher valid for 12 months to be used against future trail bookings. Failure to inform us of illness, accident or travel restrictions 72 hours prior to arrival = your payments will be forfeited and is none refundable. We highly recommend that you take trip cancellation insurance when booking your flights and to cover your holiday.
I have read and understand the cancellation policy.
I have full travel insurance in case of medical emergency
TRIP CANCELLATION. We highly recommend that you take trip cancellation insurance when booking your flights and to cover your holiday.
I have trip cancellation insurance