Meet The Horses Exclusive:
The Characters That Make The Trails

Nicky Hoseck

You can’t run a great horse trail without great horses. Even if you’ve got the best beach riding in the world, which we have, it won’t amount to much unless you have the kind of horses needed to transform it from a sandy pony ride into an exhilarating horseback adventure. 

Not only are we blessed with fit and reliable equine athletes, but many of them come equipped with quirky personalities, cuddly characters, and a certain amount of sass, making them great fun to be around and unforgettable under saddle. 

Out of our 32 horses, we have an A team of 12 to 15 top-class trail horses in our yard, and there simply isn’t enough space to introduce them all in one go, so we’ve picked a selection of our most popular equine colleagues to give you a sense of the characters that make our trails stand out and the personalities that have many guests returning for more. 

Tzarina - The Princess

No blog about our trail horses would be complete without mentioning Torstone Tzarina - a homebred Anglo Arab and the undisputed star of the show. 

What is it about this chestnut mare that captures the hearts of so many clients, and especially the handful of gentlemen riders who keep returning for more? 

A large part of Tzarina’s appeal is her speed. Capable of reaching speeds over 55kph, Tzarina is one of the fleeter-footed members of the herd and is often the first to reach the end of the famous Wavecrest gallop. It’s not only her pace that makes her popular - but also her paces, which are smooth and comfortable. 

Tzarina’s not the most affectionate of horses and is more likely to greet you with a roll of the eyes than a welcoming nicker. This doesn’t seem to detract from her appeal and many of her fans put in an appearance with a brush in the mornings, despite her aloof demeanour.

Brave and level-headed Tzarina is also a dependable lead horse, who will cross rivers, climb rocks, and balance on precarious clifftops without a care in the world. She’s well-respected by the other horses, making her a natural leader, and rarely entertains the petty squabbles that sometimes erupt in the paddock.

Eclipse - The Entertainer 

A 13-year-old Arab/Friesian cross who came to us as a yearling, Eclipse loves attention. He’s arguably the most vocal horse in the herd, calling out frequently to demand food, Lucerne, and simply a bit more attention than he thinks his colleagues deserve. 

He fancies himself as the equine version of John Travolta, pulling out some funky dance moves whenever he thinks the need arises. Each canter on the beach is preceded by a few quick tap-dancing steps, a bit of pawing, and the occasional side-shuffle - a combination of manoeuvres that usually has his riders grinning and giggling before the main event even begins!  

At the yard, Eclipse is joined at the hip to the cheekiest of ponies - Houdini. Together they enjoy terrorising the bigger horses, and playing ridiculous games which seem to involve a lot of rearing, play-biting, and careering around the field like idiots! The pair always come in for breakfast together in the mornings, trotting eagerly to their awaiting buckets, towing a human along at the end of their respective lead ropes.

Despite Eclipse’s antics, he’s a reliable, responsive trail horse who is brave enough to take the lead, and yet sensitive enough for more advanced riders to enjoy. His playful personality is easy to love, while his steady paces make him a comfortable companion for a week-long horseback adventure. 

Foxy - The Cheerleader

Foxy joined the herd as a foal after Julie-Anne negotiated to swap an older horse for her in the hopes that she would become a reliable weight carrier like her mother. Foxy, being Foxy, had a very different future in mind and rather than becoming a steady ride for novices, is flourishing into a fun ride for more experienced clients. 

With seemingly endless curiosity, Foxy shows little aptitude for leading a trail, largely because she’s prone to stop to inspect a suspect bush or wander off for a closer look at an odd-shaped rock, but as a client’s horse, she can be a dream come true! 

Foxy has several quirks, like “saluting” with one front leg before, during, and after a long beach canter. She also tends to go sideways when everyone else is going forward and perform a strange straight-legged march while walking downhill. 

She’s great fun to ride and her enthusiasm for trail is so contagious that Foxy’s riders are more than happy to indulge her idiosyncrasies. It helps that she’s also willing to give some great cuddles and happy to avoid herd politics - keeping her distance and, for the most part, her head. 

Percy - The Oddball

Percy, or Persuasion as she was originally called, is an Arab/Boerperd cross who wouldn’t look out of place in show-ring. Her long-legged appearance belies her comparatively diminutive stature and makes her feel a lot taller than her true 15 hands. 

While Percy arrived at Wild Coast Horses as a five-year-old, it was some years before she was mentally ready for trail, and she still seems younger than her years. Somewhat highly strung and reactive, Percy can be a little fidgety on the ground, but under saddle, she’s forward-going and responsive. Percy is constantly on the lookout for potential danger, staring into bushes, and scouring the horizon as if she fears an imminent ambush. 

While Percy’s a little too sharp for a novice rider, she gives advanced riders the kind of adrenaline-fueled ride they once thought they could only dream of. Pacey, comfortable, and extremely responsive, Percy epitomises what many look for in a trail horse and is an asset to the Wild Coast Horses team. 

Poppet - The Darling

When Poppet was born, she was officially named Torstone Trade Winds, but her diminutive size and cute personality soon earned her the nickname of Poppet. 

As a 14.2hh homebred Arabian, Poppet was expected to be hot, fast, and more suited to endurance than trail riding, but we couldn’t have been more wrong. Poppet is possibly the most laidback Arab you’ll ever meet. 

More often than not, she’s at the back of the ride, tootling along at her own pace, while taking extra special care of her rider. Another reason Poppet is often found toward the back of the ride is because she prefers her own space and doesn’t enjoy being crowded by other horses. Around feeding time, Poppet gets so annoyed at any horse that dares come within spitting distance of her bucket, that she snorts like a little dragon! 

By combining sensitivity with comfortable gaits and a willingness to slow down or speed up on her rider’s command, Poppet has established herself as one of the most popular horses on both our mini beach trails and our more adventurous Wild Coast Horse Trails. The only problem with Poppet is that she’s so compact and lightweight that she can only take smaller, lighter riders, meaning many miss out on her gentle nature and smooth gaits. 


We are only just scratching the surface of the many personalities that make Wild Coast Horses the best beach riding holiday in the world! From the level-headed Tzarina, and the dancing Eclipse, to the curious Foxy, the spirited Percy, and the gentle Poppet, each horse brings their own unique personality to our trails, transforming them from beach rides into unforgettable horseback adventures.

Having so many different personalities to choose from means we can always find the perfect mount for you - even if you’re quite quirky yourself! Whether you want a breathtaking gallop along the beach or a peaceful meander through rolling hills, we’ll find the perfect horse to carry you. 

It’s these lovable characters that add magic to our trails and see guests returning time and again to further cement the special bond they’ve discovered with one of our Wild Coast Horses. Isn’t it time you came to meet our equine family and fall in love with the horse you’ve always dreamt of riding? 

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Wild Coast horses will steal your heart!