Finding Love in the Saddle

Nicky Hoseck

You’d be surprised how easy it is to fall in love on a horse-riding holiday. It may not turn out to be a particularly romantic affair, but the chances of falling in love are surprisingly high. After all, what’s not to love about a horse that bravely carries you over rocky outcrops and along teetering high cliff tops? What’s not to love about a landscape that’s constantly surprising you with new moments of breathtaking beauty? 

In this article, we’re going to explore all the ways you can fall in love while on holiday, whether you’re suffering from a little “khaki fever” or falling hard for your beloved mount, horse-riding adventures have a unique way of capturing your heart.

Without getting too soppy, we hope to illustrate all the different facets of love you might encounter on a Wild Coast Horse Safari. Whether it’s a newfound love of adventure, a deepening connection with nature, or just some rekindled self-love you’re experiencing, one thing’s certain - you’ll go home with your heart full of love and your soul full of memories.

Get Ready to Fall In Love With...

#1 The Horse 

One of the most common love affairs on an overnight horse trail is between the rider and their horse. Trail horses aren't always beautiful, but they're nearly always lovable. Many Wild Coast Horses clients fall for their horses, with some returning year after year simply for the chance to spend a bit more time with their beloved mount. 

The real heart-breaker of the Wild Coast is the beautiful Anglo-Arab, Tzarina, who's captured the hearts of many clients, including Tony Marshall who's gearing up to return for his 10th Wild Coast adventure, all because of his love for this spirited mare.

I don’t have enough fingers to count the guests who’ve cried when they’ve said goodbye to their horses, or who’ve wanted to take them home. 

Let’s face it, us horse lovers are a bit of a soft touch, and sharing an experience like the Wild Coast Horse Trail with an exceptional equine athlete is bound to leave us emotionally invested and longing for more time in the saddle. 

#2 Africa 

I know all about falling in love with Africa, and I'm not alone. I visited for two months in 2001, and have never looked back. With its raw energy, wide open spaces, and dramatic landscapes, Africa can too easily capture the heart and refuse to let it go. 

Falling in love with Africa is about much more than the destination—it’s about falling in love with the person you become when you're here and learning to appreciate your existence as part of something bigger than the individual.

#3 Freedom 

There’s nothing more liberating than galloping along a deserted beach, feeling the power of the horse beneath you, and the wind whipping tears from your eyes. The sense of freedom and adventure you get on a horse-riding holiday is second to none, and it's easy to find yourself falling in love with this exhilarating way of exploring the world.

This intoxicating blend of equine companionship and unbridled adventure can be addictive and we meet many riders who, the moment they return home, are already booking their next holiday. They've fallen in love not with a destination, but with the sense of freedom they experience when discovering new places from the back of a horse.

#4 The Camaraderie

I was absent from trails for a few years and desperately missed the camaraderie. On a horse riding holiday, relationships develop quickly. You start the trip as strangers, but within hours, you feel like you've known your fellow riders for years.

This quick transition from casual acquaintances to close friends is a hallmark of these adventures, and the only other time I've experienced something similar was on a snowboarding holiday about two decades ago.

These connections often extend beyond the holiday itself and many riders stay in touch long after the trip ends, with many even planning future adventures together. The shared memories and experiences create a lasting bond that's hard to replicate in everyday life.

#5 The Wildlife 

For some, the most romantic things about a horse-riding holiday are the encounters they share with wild animals. Although you wouldn’t necessarily choose the Wild Coast as the best place to see wild animals, there are plenty of opportunities if you know where to look. 

Tom Kompeier spent almost every moment out of the saddle glued to his telescope, spotting humpback whales, dolphins, and even the occasional penguin! For him, it's not just about the ride; it's about falling in love with the whole package—the horses, the landscape, and the surprising wildlife encounters that make each journey unique.

#6 The Slower Pace 

Life on the Wild Coast is far from being a rushed affair and for riders accustomed to the fast pace of city life, this laidback approach can be refreshing and intoxicating—a little like falling in love. 

The unhurried rhythm of days spent in the saddle, punctuated by leisurely lunches and evenings lounging on comfy couches reliving the day’s excitement allows guests to rediscover a slower, more conscious way of life.

On the Wild Coast, time seems to stretch, much like the coastline’s endless horizons. The urgency of deadlines is replaced by the gentle urgings of tides and the natural cadence of your horse's gait.

Is it any wonder that many people find themselves falling head over heels for this simpler way of life?

#7 The Physical Exertion 

Some people fall in love with the adrenalin rush they get from participating in an activity that requires physical exertion. When you gallop down a beach, the rush of adrenaline and dopamine creates feelings of euphoria and excitement similar to those you experience when you fall in love.

Adrenaline - our "fight or flight" hormone -  sharpens the senses, increases heart rate, and sends energy surging through the muscles, creating a thrilling sense of power and freedom

At the same time, dopamine—the "feel-good" neurotransmitter—kicks in as a reward for engaging in an enjoyable activity. It reinforces pleasure and satisfaction, making the experience of physical exertion feel almost addictive. The combination of speed, motion, and the natural beauty of a beach can amplify these sensations, creating a unique emotional and physical high similar to love.

#8 A Fellow Rider 

Romance doesn’t often blossom on trail, but when it does, it sparks a fire that’s hard to put out. Not so long ago, we were joined by a couple who happily described themselves as a “holiday couple.” 

While they speak on the phone frequently in between trips, they rarely see each other unless they’re on a riding holiday. They met nine years ago, and have been continuing their love affair ever since, rekindling their connection whenever they saddle up for a new adventure. 

Each trail ride offers them a chance to escape their everyday lives and rediscover the bond that first brought them together. Their romance, fueled by the freedom and excitement of the open trail, is a testament to love that knows no boundaries.

#9 The Guide!

While it hasn't yet made an appearance on the Wild Coast, "khaki fever" is a fascinating and sometimes controversial phenomenon in the world of travel. The phrase is used to describe the tendency for travellers (often women) to fall for people (usually men) wearing khaki uniforms - typically guides or rangers.

The phrase "khaki fever" originated during World War I, but in Africa, it's taken on a life of its own, becoming something of a legend, although I’ve also experienced its reality. 

20 years ago, I fell for a man in uniform, though in my case, it was a weird mustard yellow rather than the traditional khaki but that didn't stop our love from blossoming and we’re still together! But not every holiday romance has such a happy ending.

A few years ago, a rider joining us on trail arranged to meet up with a guide she'd met on a previous horse-riding holiday. She was very excited about the prospect of seeing him again and clearly hoping for a holiday romance. Sadly, the guide in question decided to bring another woman along, leaving our poor rider heartbroken.

Whether you believe in "khaki fever" or not, there's no denying that adventure holidays, with their mix of excitement and shared experiences, can be a breeding ground for romantic connections. 

While we haven't seen it on the Wild Coast yet, who knows? Your next horse-riding holiday could lead to more than just memories of beautiful landscapes and exhilarating rides—it might just lead to love.

#10 Yourself 

Amid the adventure, camaraderie, and freedom of a Wild Coast Horse Safari, perhaps the most important love affair you’ll encounter is the one with yourself. 

There’s something transformative about spending days in the saddle, away from the daily grind. With each ride comes the opportunity to reconnect with parts of yourself long forgotten—your sense of wonder, your inner strength, or even your capacity for joy.

The long, quiet stretches of trail offer plenty of time for reflection. Whether you're conquering a tricky bit of terrain or simply soaking in the beauty around you, this is a space to rediscover your own resilience and independence. The physical challenge of the ride, combined with the serenity of the surroundings, creates a perfect environment for introspection and self-discovery.

Falling in love with yourself on trail isn't about ego—it's about acknowledging your growth, your ability to navigate new experiences, and the peace that comes from embracing the present moment.


There are countless ways to fall in love in the saddle, and nearly every rider who has joined us on the Wild Coast has experienced at least one, although why none of them have fallen for our guides yet is anyone’s guess! 

It's nearly impossible not to find yourself falling in love—whether it's with your horse, the breathtaking landscape, the sense of belonging, or perhaps most importantly,  with the person you become in these moments.  

Looking for love? Look no further—it’s waiting for you on the back of a horse on the Wild Coast of South Africa!

Are you ready to fall in love?