While I munch my way through my generous breakfast, one of the humans will come round and take my temperature. You’d think having something shoved into my butt while I’m eating would irritate me, but it’s only a couple of the older mares that squeal and stamp their feet when their turn comes around. Even then, it’s all for show and they’re secretly grateful that the humans would know if we felt a little off-colour, even if they don’t always understand when we show them.
Before I’m finished eating, another human approaches with a set of brushes and gives me a delicious full-body massage. I love this part of the day and lean into the brushes as they come into contact with my skin. Once I’m considered clean, I’ll carefully pick my feet up for the little human, allowing them to clean out each hoof so I can walk comfortably and without throwing clods of mud at the riders behind me.
Now we’re headed for home, there’s a little more skip to our steps and we float across the ground like the Arabians we are. On the beaches, the wind blows through our manes as our hooves pound out a rhythmic tattoo and the waves crash onto the sand. This exhilaration is what we live for! To share this moment of freedom with my friends and colleagues is the highlight of my life… after food, that is! And the great thing about being homeward-bound is that it means food is just around the corner!
Before we reach home, we have to walk onto a floating mat that takes us across the Kei River. It’s a bit strange the first time you do it, but after that, it becomes pretty run-of-the-mill. I like to take the time to sample a human’s hair or give the decking a good sniff!
Once we’re back on dry land, it’s just a short ride back home. I like it best when we go along the beach, although some of the humans say we get too excited when we do that, and make us walk home through the village instead.