7 Reasons Horse Trails Are Ideal For Solo Travellers

Nicky Hoseck

You’ve seen our pictures on social media, read stories of our exhilarating beach rides and overnight horseback adventures, and now you’re desperate to book a horse-riding holiday all of your own. The only problem is, most of your friends can’t get the time off work to join you, and those that can would rather spend their holidays lounging on the beach, rather than cantering along it. Your only option is to go it alone… but you have your doubts.

Let those doubts gallop away because solo horse-riding adventures aren’t just possible – they're downright magical!

In this article, we'll saddle up and explore seven compelling reasons why horse trails are the perfect choice for solo travellers. From meeting like-minded people to saving on single supplements, you'll discover how going solo can transform a simple ride into an unforgettable adventure. 

So, hold your horses no longer – it's time to rein in your fears and book your first solo adventure!

#1 Never Alone: The Safety Aspects Of Solo Travel

One of the biggest concerns for solo travellers is safety. Will I get lost in the airport, or find myself stranded after missing my connection? I understand your worries but assure you that, even when travelling solo, you're never really alone. 

Book your horse-riding adventure through a dedicated travel agency, like In The Saddle or African Horse Safaris, and they'll take care of every aspect of your journey. Missed your flight? No problem, they'll book you a new one! Lost your luggage? They'll help you track it down. 

From the moment you step off the plane, you'll be whisked into a world of warm South African hospitality. Our guides will welcome you like an old friend and quickly show you the ropes so you feel comfortable and confident about the adventure ahead.

So while you may be riding solo, you'll have an entire team of professionals backing you up, ensuring your horse-riding holiday is as safe as it is exhilarating.

#2 A Balancing Act: Social and Solo

A horse-riding holiday offers the perfect combination of solitude and socialising. While in the saddle, it’s up to you if you engage with your fellow riders or allow yourself to slip into a peaceful reverie, letting the rhythmic movement of the horse and the natural beauty around you lull you into a meditative state.

There might be moments when you want to share your thoughts, swap stories of previous horse-riding adventures, or relive a moment of excitement or exhilaration, but there’s no pressure on you to entertain your fellow guests - that’s the guide’s job! 

Evenings at our coastal hotels are naturally sociable, allowing you to bond with like-minded travellers and share the day’s adventures. But once the evening meal’s over, it’s up to you if you want to hang around and chat some more or retreat to your room for some peaceful reflection. 

This balance of community and personal space makes horse-riding holidays perfectly suited to solo travellers who want a balance of social interaction and moments of solitude.

I had a life-changing experience and I feel so blessed to have shared this experience with (new) friends. 

Kajsa Lönnroth
March 2024

#3 Share the Love

The great thing about horse-riding holidays is that everyone shares a common interest - horses. You’ll never be short of conversation because there's always something to talk about, whether it's sharing past horse-riding experiences, recounting memorable rides, or bonding over your love for these incredible animals. The shared passion creates an instant connection among riders, so you’ll never feel left out or alone. 

#4 Finding Friends: The Demise of the Solo Traveller

On a horse trail, solo travellers don’t tend to stay that way for long. Many riders who join us on trail started off travelling solo but formed such a firm bond with a fellow rider that they now embark on all their adventures together. 

Of course, that doesn’t suit everyone and some people maintain their solo traveller status despite the like-minded people they meet along the way. For some, the company of the horse is all they really need or desire. 

It’s a personal preference whether to ride alongside a companion or embrace the solitude of the journey. The beauty of a horse trail is that it accommodates both – you can enjoy the camaraderie of the group or take time for quiet reflection, all while sharing the trail with others who understand your passion for horses and the outdoors.

#5 Enjoy the Solitude without Shelling out a Single Supplement 

Single supplements are a thorn in the side of many solo travellers, but Wild Coast Horses, like many other horse riding operations, only charge a single supplement if you specifically request your own room. If you’re willing to share with another rider, you’ll pay the same as everyone else.

If you’re really lucky, you’ll arrive at a time when the hotels are comparatively quiet, in which case many of our accommodation providers offer riders their own private rooms, simply because they have space. You may end up sharing for a couple of nights but might be lucky enough to have a private room the rest of the time.

This means you can enjoy the luxury of privacy without the added cost, making your trip even more affordable. Of course, sharing a room with a fellow rider can also be part of the fun, giving you the chance to establish a new friendship and exchange stories about your horseback experiences.

#6 Free Rein: The Perks of Solo Travel  

One of the greatest perks of travelling solo is having the freedom to follow your own rhythm and do whatever you want at exactly the moment you want to do it. Fancy a dip in the sea before dinner? Dive right in! Want to take an afternoon nap after a long morning ride? Stretch out and recharge without worrying about anyone else’s plans.  

At Wild Coast Horses, our trails are thoughtfully curated to provide you with an unforgettable riding experience, but they’re also flexible enough to allow for moments of personal freedom and indulgence. If you want to feel like the only person in the world - take a walk along one of our deserted Wild Coast beaches, or kayak up the river to a remote spot where it's just you and the sounds of nature. 

These quiet moments of solitude allow you to fully immerse yourself in the beauty of the Wild Coast, creating memories that are as personal as they are breathtaking.

Of course, if you do crave a bit of company, our friendly and knowledgeable guides are always nearby, ready to share a story, offer local insights, or accompany you on an adventure. The beauty of solo travel on our trails is that you get the best of both worlds—freedom when you want it, and camaraderie when you need it.

#7 Embrace the Challenge: The Transformative Effect of Solo Travel

Any type of solo adventure forces you out of your comfort zone and into situations that challenge you to adapt, grow, and trust your instincts, but embarking on a week-long ride on an unfamiliar horse in the wilderness of the Wild Coast is even more demanding! 

As you encounter new challenges, build a bond with your horse, and immerse yourself in the untamed beauty of the Wild Coast, you’ll be forced to confront your fears, adapt to different conditions, and overcome obstacles you’ve only ever imagined. 

As you tackle each challenge, you'll discover inner strengths you didn’t know you had, gaining a newfound sense of confidence and self-reliance. It’s an incredible adventure and one that promises to change your life and how you see yourself. You’ll go home a different person - hopefully one that’s stronger, wiser, and a little more confident!


So, there you have it—seven compelling reasons why a solo horse-riding adventure is not just a viable option but an extraordinary experience in its own right. 

You can enjoy the company of other like-minded individuals while still indulging in some quality me-time. It allows you to step outside your comfort zone, take on different challenges, and forge new connections, all the while learning more about yourself and the things you really value in life. 

With these insights in mind, it’s time to set aside any lingering doubts, saddle up, and let your solo adventure begin.

Don't Let Fear Hold You Back...